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Joseph Scarbrough launched what he called "The Scarblog" as a way of cataloging his work over the years, as well as going into greater detail of things on his mind (known as "Unfinished Thoughts").

Sunday, October 17, 2010

RIP Van Snowden

Here's a really sad loss to the puppetry world...

Van Snowden was a really prolific puppeteer, from his extensive collaborations with Sid & Marty Krofft in the 70s (even puppeteering H.R. Pufnstuf for a number of years, including recently), to works in Hollywood cult favorites, like performing the puppetry for Chucky, and The Crypt Keeper.

This was a shock to me, I just now read about this, but apparently, he died last month from cancer; I really would've liked to meet him one day.

So long Mr. Snowden, thanks for leaving such an impression on the world of puppetry as we know it.

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