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Joseph Scarbrough launched what he called "The Scarblog" as a way of cataloging his work over the years, as well as going into greater detail of things on his mind (known as "Unfinished Thoughts").

Saturday, September 23, 2017

The Elusive Knoxville Panda (UH)

And now for something completely different!

For years, there's been a local graffiti artist who has been leaving his tag all throughout town, sometimes in the craziest of places. I have no idea who this graffiti artist is, however, his tag, which is always a stylized "PANDA" (and an "UH" whatever that means) continues to fascinate me: you never know when you're going to see a new one, or where you'll end up finding it, but this is one of the reasons I continue to be fascinated - it's like a great, big, calligraphic Easter egg hunt. And one of the intriguing things about these PANDA tags is that they're a lot like snowflakes: each one is different from the other, which makes looking for and finding them an even bigger treat - the way I see it, the more detailed and elaborate they are, the better!

Anyway, my fascination with PANDA has grown as the years have passed, so I decided to produce this fake, pseudo-nature documentary of the various different PANDA tags we have throughout town:

1 comment:

    This might help
